lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011


In Spanish there a jargon for lucubrations made just for the fun and pleasure of the thinker's mind. This activity is called "paja mental". As this term may sound to some people less worthy than the actual activity, and I love spending some of my time having intellectual fun and pleasure, This blog is named "Acta Onanistica Synapsica", conveying the same meaning in a somehow more sounding way and being itself the outcome of a fun lucubration.
This blog will contain a subset of the more finished byproducts of the intellectual random wandering during my leisure time. It is not intended to be attractive to anybody except me and probably is just the only way I found to fix some happy thoughts before they get replaced by the accelerated daily activity.
In any case, if you like reading this stuff, you are more than welcome to Acta Onanistica Synapsica.